



The Playbook





The Playbook  /

Think of me as that friend who's always there to cheer you on and help you navigate the design world. 

about / 


a Journey of Creative Collaboration

Building Something Incredible Together

Starting a new project with a designer might raise a few questions in your mind. Things like, "Will they truly understand my vision?", "What costs are involved?" or "Is this the right choice for me?" Let's go through it to ensure that every step of the journey is clear, comfortable, and exciting.

real talk:

So you’ve decided to take the plunge? Congratulations! The design game has changed, and we need to work differently together.

You don't have to do it alone.

But, before we dive into the creative part, let's talk about something important. The world of design and branding has changed a lot recently. We've seen new trends and ways of doing things in our industry.

Design is more than just making things look good. It’s about being smart and focused to really make an impact. I believe in creating designs that are not just quick and easy, but thoughtful and effective. They should not only look great but also help you reach your business goals. We’ll combine your vision with a smart strategy to create designs that grow and evolve with you and your business.

How the design process Works


2. Let's Get Creative!

3. THEN Implementation 

With our direction set, it's time for the fun part! I'll dive into designing based on your brief, exploring different ideas. After refining a few, the best will be presented to you. Typically, a detailed brief means fewer revisions – making our collaboration smoother."

Implementation marks the final step in our process. Here, we prepare artwork for print, email, or digital platforms. We craft a launch strategy to get everyone buzzing about your extensive campaign. It's the thrilling phase where all our hard work comes to life!

Your journey begins with a simple task: filling out a brief. This is the heartbeat of our design process, shaping the direction and outcome. The clearer the brief, the smoother the ride. Let's dive in, understand your 'why,' and set the stage for our Creative Strategy.


My Story

My graphic design story kicked off in Cape Town, South Africa, back in 2001, following three intense years of diving into Graphic Design studies. When I returned to Namibia in 2005, I spent a good five years shaping my skills within Ogilvy Namibia. Then, in 2010, I took the plunge and set up my own studio. Along the way, I delved deeper into the world of creative strategy and specialised in branding.

To me, collaboration is where the magic happens—I'm a firm believer that amazing ideas can pop up from anyone, anywhere!

When I dive into a project, I bring this mantra with me: 'think global, act local'. It's this way of thinking that infuses impact, regardless of where you are on the map.

let's say it as it is:

Working Together with Your Graphic Designer:
A Personal Touch in a Digital Age

You don't have to do it alone.

We all know how amazing AI and design tools like Canva are. They're fast, easy, and really helpful for quick designs. But when it comes to creating something special and unique for your business, that's where a professional graphic designer steps in.

The Magic of the Human Touch: Think about a professional graphic designer as a storyteller for your brand. They don't just use their computers and software; they use their hearts and minds to understand what makes your business special. They listen to your story and turn it into a beautiful visual tale that your customers will love.

Hello Digital World, Meet Human Creativity

Your Brand, Your Story

Your business is one of a kind, right? A professional designer gets that. They take the time to learn about you and what you do. This means every design is made just for you, not like anyone else’s.

Designs That Grow with You

Your business will change and grow, and your designs should too. A professional designer thinks about tomorrow, not just today, making sure your designs stay fresh and relevant.

Work Together

Imagine creating your design with a friend who really understands your vision. That’s what it’s like to work with a professional designer. It’s a team effort, and you're part of it!

Templates are handy, but they can be a bit... samey. Want to stand out? A professional designer can make designs that are as unique as you are.

More Than Just Pretty Pictures

Good design is like a good conversation. It tells your customers who you are and what you stand for. Professional designers know how to make that conversation really shine.

Be Unique, Be You

Here’s Why You’ll Love Working with a Professional Designer

Great Tools, But Not the Whole Toolbox:
Think of AI and tools like Canva as your design helpers. They’re great when you need something fast and simple. But for those times when you need something really special, that’s when a professional designer’s human touch makes all the difference.

AI and Templates

Collaboration is key











Please note, each designer may have their own unique pricing method. Invoices reflect their invested value, and we provide detailed estimates before project start. Our commitment remains to adhere to quotes unless project specifications change

Once a project is assigned, we kick off with an information-gathering session—the brief. This session helps refine your focus and objectives, ensuring our output is both creatively excellent and strategically targeted.

Designers schedule their workflow professionally and politely request discussing all necessary work in advance. While we acknowledge unforeseen tasks may arise, our goal is an organised workflow around 80% of the time, aiming for a balanced approach.

Throughout the project, we'll keep you updated on our progress. Any activities impacting the schedule or budget will be communicated in writing. Our aim is to maintain swift, seamless, and cost-effective progress, ensuring we deliver what you've hired us to do.

Creating impactful graphic design requires time. Contrary to common belief, good creative work isn't an instant spark of inspiration; it's a result of trial and error. That's why exploring multiple approaches (concepts) is essential. Clear communication of deadlines is crucial in this process!

Working together is what makes the design process different

DOWNLOAD the Collaboration bundel
  • Your Story and Vision: Share the story behind your business, your vision, and what you're passionate about. This helps your designer understand the heart of your brand—the core values, personality, mission, and how you want your audience to emotionally connect beyond just visual elements like the logo.
  • Specific Goals: Communicate what you aim to achieve with your design—more customers, a product launch, or brand rejuvenation.
  • Liked Examples: Provide designs you love; it guides your designer on your style and preferences.
  • Brand Guidelines: Share existing brand elements like colours, fonts, or logos for consistent branding.
  • Budget and Timeline: Clearly state your budget and deadline, aiding the designer in effective project planning.
Working with a graphic designer is like starting a new and exciting journey. It's all about teamwork, communication, and bringing your vision to life. Here's how you can make the most of this collaboration

What to Give Your Designer

  • What’s Your Design Process?: Understanding how your designer works will help you know what to expect and when to give feedback.
  • Can You Share Some Past Work?: Looking at their past projects gives you an idea of their style and expertise.
  • How Do You Handle Revisions?: It's important to know how the designer approaches changes or edits to the design.
  • What Do You Need From Me?: Ask your designer what they need from you to make the process smooth and efficient.


to Ask Your Designer

Tips for a Successful Collaboration

  • Be Open to Ideas: Your designer might suggest things you hadn’t thought of. Be open to their creative ideas – they might be just what your project needs!
  • Provide Feedback: Be honest and constructive with your feedback. It helps your designer understand your preferences better.
  • Communicate Regularly: Keep the lines of communication open. Regular check-ins ensure that the project is on the right track.
  • Trust Your Designer: Remember, you hired them for their expertise. Trust their guidance and let them bring their best creativity to your project.
NEED MORE HELP on working with a designer? Email me

Working with a graphic designer is like teaming up for a shared journey. When you provide clear details, ask the right questions, and stay involved, you're not just creating a design but crafting a business solution. Remember, respecting your designer and their profession is key. This partnership is about trust and collaboration—by working together, we can achieve something genuinely extraordinary.