



The Playbook





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Think of me as that friend who's always there to cheer you on and help you navigate the design world. 

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Wandering to the new way of life (and business)

November 16, 2020

I’m Nelett
You're powerful, way more than you might think. And in this cozy corner of the internet, I'm all about keeping you inspired, pumped, and ready to take on the world.
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I have been quiet the last few months – finding my way in wandering from old paths into new directions. With no uncertainty, we can all agree this year(2020) has been a year that will always go down in the record books.

Personally, it has been an incredible year, but the worst year of my life – all in one. 

Business life has been good; I have kept everything going. Not as I would have wanted or with the same speed/quality of design work, client communications or business growth as I had planned at the beginning of 2020, but the head is above water and still going. I have furthered my digital marketing education and set new goals for going forward in business.

My two beautiful kids, 1.5 and 4.5, were at home during the last seven months. With my husband, we kept the household running and maintained our businesses. My two passion projects, BraveArt and Curious, kept me entertained. It was a year that made meeting deadlines and getting work done a luxury – as ALL my clients will be able to agree upon!

It has been incredible in business, but not without its struggles.

I have met health goals, socialised more, invested in friendships and family and got to have a slower pace in routines. We are slowly moving into our weekend farmhouse. And I am finding my love for magazines, books, afternoon naps and understanding how to let go and relax again.

The most challenging thing this year – I have lost the biggest hero in my life, my dad.

The one that taught me the importance of:
that the best thing is to work for myself and never be dependent on anyone else
take care of what you own,
not to overspend,
and never buy the cheapest but always the best (as this will last a lifetime),
to be honest,
enjoy what you have worked for,
save money,
invest in friendships,
always have your hand in God’s hand,
be who you are,
to enjoy the little things in life,
enjoy a joke and laugh out loud,
to have a childlike ability in faith,
trust and belief,

He was my wingman. 
a Giant in our families’ lives. My personal most significant appreciation is that I could be his daughter. This momentous happening has shown me how strong I am with the power from Above that held us up, and that strength is above any human understanding.

It has been a year I can’t explain, understand or rationalise. 
The unknown is where we, as a society, are all wandering around.

What I found in 2020 is that I lost track of why I started KunsHuis in 2010. I wanted to work for myself to live the life I desired. To be creative in my terms, to support my family and have free time to be the homemaker, mother, wife, daughter, sister and creative that I want to live without having to schedule life around deadlines. I have found that clients have no respect for life’s seasons, priorities, or grace for difficult times. I have found that it is time to do business how I want to. 

And genuinely wandering in the direction of what work-life balance means and looks like to me. It is time for massive shifts and changes. What worked ten years ago or even last year – is not what works for me now. 

That is life, AND that is business – always moving, shifting and reevaluating goals and plans – wandering with a new vision as each new life season comes and goes.

From January 2021, KunsHuis will wander in a stunningly new and exciting direction. And everyone is welcome to join me on the new journey. With great appreciation for what I have gained in the last almost 11 years, I will be moving away from freelancing the way that you have known it.

2020 is still going; it was a year in which I lost what I hold dear and the catapult to what I have been craving to share and change for so many years.

Thank you for being my travel buddy into the unknown, and I hope you will be next to me on this path of wonder going forward. 

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Hi there, I'm Nelett, and I'm a designer just like you. Life's always changing, and being a designer can feel like a wild ride. But we're more than that, aren't we? We're caregivers, friends, and life lovers who find joy in more than just our work. We're all on this journey, each in our own way, but somehow, we're together in it.

Here's what I believe: You are powerful, more than you might realise. In this cozy corner of the internet, I'm here to keep you inspired, motivated, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.




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