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My life in Colour

My Life in Colour: Beauty and admiration for rain

April 6, 2024

I’m Nelett
You're powerful, way more than you might think. And in this cozy corner of the internet, I'm all about keeping you inspired, pumped, and ready to take on the world.
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The beauty and admiration for rain can only be understood in a Desert Country such as Namibia. When there is rain, there is excitement—this was a moment of pure love—seeing and hearing water come down from the heavens so loud we had to pause and take it in.

As we move through our busy days, let’s continue to find splashes of joy in the everyday. Let’s cherish the little things. Because, in the end, it’s these little things that paint the bigger picture of our lives. Join me in celebrating the hues that bind us, make us feel, and remind us of the endless beauty of being.

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Hi there, I'm Nelett, and I'm a designer just like you. Life's always changing, and being a designer can feel like a wild ride. But we're more than that, aren't we? We're caregivers, friends, and life lovers who find joy in more than just our work. We're all on this journey, each in our own way, but somehow, we're together in it.

Here's what I believe: You are powerful, more than you might realise. In this cozy corner of the internet, I'm here to keep you inspired, motivated, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.




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