



The Playbook





The Playbook  /

Think of me as that friend who's always there to cheer you on and help you navigate the design world. 

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All I want to do today is Design.

July 20, 2021

I’m Nelett
You're powerful, way more than you might think. And in this cozy corner of the internet, I'm all about keeping you inspired, pumped, and ready to take on the world.
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If COVID were a design project, I would stop where I am and redo the design because I struggle to balance all the elements given to me. I would ask the client for better direction, a better brief – more strategic thinking. To get to a final point that works for everyone. 

But Covid is not a design project; it is an element we must design our lives around. Change habits, use new medicine, PRAY and know that this will pass.

Today is not the best day. Most of us have lost people we know, some are sick, and some are afraid – most of us feel lost navigating the current situation in the world.

After all the bad news the last few days – all I want to do is design. That is why I love being an artist – design in all forms (graphic design, photography, fashion, food, floristry, magazines…) – is ART – and art is an expression – Art brings moments of hope, peace, and freedom.

Graphic Design is my art. Even in these times, as small as it might seem to some, I help bring beauty and meaning to the visual elements needed by a business – I create a personality (Not just a logo). I help develop a brand that will transcend difficult times, giving hope that the company CAN go on, selling products IS still possible, and being visible through a vision, mission and value that serves your customer.

Art gives purpose. Graphic Design is my purpose. And my goal through graphic design is to help you have a relevant brand and help you navigate your business (new or existing) in new directions as our lives in business evolve.

But for today, all I want to design for my clients is for you. I want to get lost in the creative – because for that moment, in that packaging design or Point of sale item, I see beauty, I see a purpose, and I know a future that feels Hopeful.

Thank you for trusting me with your work – this week, I will get lost in designing my heart out for YOU! 

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Hi there, I'm Nelett, and I'm a designer just like you. Life's always changing, and being a designer can feel like a wild ride. But we're more than that, aren't we? We're caregivers, friends, and life lovers who find joy in more than just our work. We're all on this journey, each in our own way, but somehow, we're together in it.

Here's what I believe: You are powerful, more than you might realise. In this cozy corner of the internet, I'm here to keep you inspired, motivated, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.




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