



The Playbook





The Playbook  /

Think of me as that friend who's always there to cheer you on and help you navigate the design world. 

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One small skill, significant impact and a total game changer!

November 12, 2022

I’m Nelett
You're powerful, way more than you might think. And in this cozy corner of the internet, I'm all about keeping you inspired, pumped, and ready to take on the world.
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We all want to be a master at our craft and knowing the more minor ins and outs makes it easier to get there.

One small thing with a BIG impact is using keyboard shortcuts. It’s very efficient, time-saving, and helps you design quicker by multitasking – doing a few commands, one after the other, without going back and forth with a mouse.

It’s a game-changer when it comes to time. I encourage you to learn your shortcut keys to make your design life more effortless and streamline your workflow. After 17 years of knowing my design tools – I cannot imagine designing without Shortcut keys. Over time it becomes second nature, like breathing – you are doing it without thinking about it.

I hope you take the time to learn it. Below is a printable with shortcut Keys for Illustrator and Indesign only, as I work primarily with these programs, but most shortcut keys also work in Photoshop. 

Print it, frame it – put it next to your screen – it is a REAL game-changer for better efficiency in your design business! 

Here are the Downloads for you, compiled with love. And remember to keep up to date on your own as the programmes improve and updates are made.

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Hi there, I'm Nelett, and I'm a designer just like you. Life's always changing, and being a designer can feel like a wild ride. But we're more than that, aren't we? We're caregivers, friends, and life lovers who find joy in more than just our work. We're all on this journey, each in our own way, but somehow, we're together in it.

Here's what I believe: You are powerful, more than you might realise. In this cozy corner of the internet, I'm here to keep you inspired, motivated, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.




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