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‘Peach Fuzz’: A Colour That Speaks My Language

December 7, 2023

I’m Nelett
You're powerful, way more than you might think. And in this cozy corner of the internet, I'm all about keeping you inspired, pumped, and ready to take on the world.
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Can a colour capture the essence of a theme we see life moving towards? Absolutely, and ‘Peach Fuzz,’ the Pantone Colour of the Year for 2024, is a perfect example. This color announcement feels like a personal celebration for me, as ‘Peach Fuzz’ mirrors the essence of my life’s philosophy and the soul of my brand, Kunshuis.

You see, ‘Peach Fuzz’ is a narrative in itself – a narrative of compassion, nurturing, and heartfelt kindness. This soft peach shade, nestled between pink and orange, feels like a warm embrace in our often fast-paced and harsh world. It resonates deeply with me as it embodies the very themes I passionately explore in my blog at Kunshuis – being real, and embracing life with all its textures and colours.

In these times of uncertainty, I find ‘Peach Fuzz’ to be a beacon of hope and kindness. It’s a colour that encourages us to connect deeply with others and ourselves. It speaks of building communities, sharing, and caring – values that are at the heart of everything I do and create.

This colour is about belonging, nurturing, and offering a gentle recalibration of our lives. Whether I enjoy moments with loved ones or savouring solitude, ‘Peach Fuzz feels like it can wrap me in tranquillity and warmth. It’s this feeling that I strive to share through my work at Kunshuis and particularly through my unique Playbook Planner, which you can find here. This planner is not just a tool; it’s a companion on your journey towards a mindful, connected, and elegantly slower life.

With its warm and welcoming embrace, this colour symbolises
a theme for 2024 and beyond for me – an enrichment for our souls that brings
us closer to what matters most in life.

So, as we step into this year, I invite you to join me in celebrating ‘Peach Fuzz’ – a colour that reminds us of the beauty in softness, the strength in gentleness, and the elegance in living a connected, mindful life. Let’s make 2024 a year of heartfelt connections, warmth, and elegant living. I look forward to exploring this beautiful hue in our collections, infusing it into our designs, and sharing its warmth and elegance with you at The Kunshuis Collective.

Join me in this exciting journey. Let’s celebrate life with ‘Peach Fuzz’!

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Hi there, I'm Nelett, and I'm a designer just like you. Life's always changing, and being a designer can feel like a wild ride. But we're more than that, aren't we? We're caregivers, friends, and life lovers who find joy in more than just our work. We're all on this journey, each in our own way, but somehow, we're together in it.

Here's what I believe: You are powerful, more than you might realise. In this cozy corner of the internet, I'm here to keep you inspired, motivated, and ready to take on whatever comes your way.




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